
© eskay lim,

August 2016: Japan plant, Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Medaillen aus Materialien herzustellen, die aus den „urbanen Minen“stammen. Das heißt der Rohstoff kommt aus gebrauchten, elektronischen Geräten. Anstatt die Erde wegen diesen Rohstoffen zu plündern, wird bereits Vorhandenes einfach recycelt.

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Ask any Olympic athlete, and they’ll stay winning a medal at the Games is special enough on its own. And once the 2020 Games roll around, the medals will carry even more symbolism.

Japan is planning to craft the gold, silver, and bronze medals from materials found in its “urban mine” of discarded electronic goods. Rather than plunder the earth for raw natural material, it will be recycling what already exists.

Olympic medals use a large amount of precious metals. The 2012 London Olympics used 9.6 kilograms of gold, 1,2010 kilograms of silver, and 700 kilograms of copper (the primary ingredient in bronze) to create its medals. Traditionally, Olympic host countries ask national commercial mines to donate the metal, but Japan has limited natural resources to draw from. What it does have, though, are huge amounts of discarded electronic products.

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